Terms of Service and Customer Agreement
The following document is an official “public offer” that contains terms of social media promotion services. A person who has accepted these Terms of Use becomes a Customer with the Customer and the Contractor being the two parties to the contract. Please make sure to carefully read this document before accepting the Terms of Use. If you do not accept any of the terms, you are free to refuse using Captainsmm.com’s services. The full list of social media promotion service offerings is available at https://сaptainsmm.com which is one of the key parts of these service terms and customer agreement.
1Terminology and Definitions
- “Contractor” is an individual who performs the services for the Customer on the Website.
- “Customer” is an individual who places one or more orders on Captainsmm.com and accepts these Terms of Service.
- “Personal data” is any data that is provided by the Customer on the Website (i.e., full name, email, etc.).
- “User” is anyone who visits https://сaptainsmm.com.
- “Website” is a collection of web pages and related content that is published on the web under the domain name “Captainsmm.com”.
- “Administration” is an individual or a set of individuals who have administrator rights on the Website published on the web under the domain name “Captainsmm.com”.
2 Procedure for Services
- The Customer can place an order by filling out the order placement form and providing the following information: full name, email, and the link to the subject of promotion.
- The User may not refuse the service after the payment has been made if their order has already been processed and the service delivery has started.
- The orders are referred to as fully complete if the Contractor does not receive a reasonable and comprehensive complaint from the Customer within 48 hours from the time of making a payment.
- The Website Administration is not responsible for a breach of contract on account of force majeure which includes changes in the work and processes of social media networks.
- The results of the Website’s services are recorded only based on changes in social media engagement metrics.
- If the Customer’s order is being processed, it is not recommended to use any other software or services that can affect the Customer’s social media metrics or rankings simultaneously.
- All returns will be sent to the payment method that the Customer used when placing the order. Any changes to that must be discussed directly with the Customer via email.
- All personal data provided to the Website is intended for personal non-commercial use only. Copying any personal data prior to getting written consent from the Website Administration is prohibited.
3 Contractor’s Rights and Responsibilities
- Fully complete service orders within established parameters and in accordance with service descriptions.
- Provide the Customer with timely information about their order status in their account on the Website or via email per Customer’s personal request that includes their full name, email, and the link to the subject of promotion.
- Exchange or fully or partially refund the service cost per Customer’s personal request if it is impossible to perform the service they ordered.
- Send Customers email updates from Captainsmm.com.
- Provide only estimated service delivery timeline and availability information because they are not part of the “public offer” and may be changed due to several reasons including the number of active orders and their scope.
- Deliver services in full if the Customer has paid 100% of the total cost.
- Refuse to provide services to the Customer whose actions are inappropriate and due to various other reasons.
- Use third-party help to fulfill their “public offer” obligations.
- Delay processing orders for a time period no longer than 3 months (except on orders of 10,000 units and up) without issuing a refund.
- Deliver a number of units that exceeds the size of the order that the Customer paid for without notifying the Customer.
Implement and change rules and limitations (technical, legal, organizational and other) that apply to the user experience on the Website without notifying the User beforehand.
4 Customer’s Rights and Obligations
- Pay for services on the Website in full, on time, and in line with the Customer Agreement.
- Provide all the data necessary for fulfilling an order: email, full name, and the link to the subject of promotion.
- Ensure that their account/channel/group/content that is the subject of promotion is accessible to the Contractor. If the subject of the promotion has any kind of access restrictions (private, not accessible in certain countries, etc.), the order counts as fully complete and no refunds will be issued.
- Do not order services that include links to networks that are illegal in Russian Federation.
- Do not place additional orders for any subject that is already being promoted in a different order that has not been completed.
- Do not use credit cards and online wallets that have been stolen or obtained in other illegal ways to pay service on the Website.
5 General Terms
- This Customer Agreement takes effect right after the Customer places their order and makes a payment on the Website.
- Captainsmm.com reserves the right to change the Terms of Use and Customer Agreement unilaterally. The changes take effect the day and time they are published on the Website. Captainsmm.com will not be providing any additional notices to the Customers and Users.
- The Customer confirms that they understand The Terms of Use and accept them without any reservations and restrictions.
- The Website Administration is not responsible for the content of Customer orders and any other materials provided by the Customer.
- The Customer may not use force or any other illegal methods to demand an exchange or a refund for services they purchased on the Website.
- Captainsmm.com is not responsible for any consequences that may occur as a result of ordering services on the Website (accounts ban, drops in account metrics, etc.). There is no warranty that ensures the Customer account/page/channel/content/etc. will not be blocked or removed because these actions are performed by the moderators of social media platforms.
- Users can email their suggestions regarding the site’s operations and the Terms of Use and Customer Agreement in particular to support@captainsmm.com.
Published on January 19, 2022